Saturday, December 28, 2019
Cartesian Dualism and the Union of Mind and Body Essay
Cartesian Dualism and the Union of Mind and Body ABSTRACT: Cartesian dualism and the union of mind and body are often understood as conceptions that contradict each other. Diachronic interpretations maintain that Descartes was first a dualist (in the Meditations) and later on developed his stance on the union of mind and body (Passions). Some authors find here a problem without solution. Nevertheless, in the last two decades, some interpretations have been developed intending to give a positive solution to the difficult relation between Cartesian dualism and the union of mind and body. The problem that I find in most of them is that they try to show no incoherence between Descartes dualism and his conception of the union and†¦show more content†¦So, when he asserts the union between the human mind and body, some interpreters find that he presents a contradictory position. Others think that probably Descartes was not so radical in his dualism. In order to build a different interpretation about the Cartesian dualism and the union of mind and body, I have established two categories. I call diachronic interpretations those that maintain that Descartes was first a dualist (i.e., in the Meditations), and later on developed his stance on the union of mind and body (i.e., in the Passions). Against diachronic perspectives, I propose a synchronic interpretation under which I maintain that Cartesian dualism and the union of mind and body are simultaneously present all along Descartes works. (1) Through this category I try to accomplish my purpose in this paper, which is to show that there is coherence and intelligibility in Descartes conceptions of dualism and union. Redefinition of the Problem under a Synchronic Interpretation When Princess Elisabeth questioned Descartes on the possibility of interaction between heterogeneous substances [AT III 661]., he answered recognizing that through his works, he had not said much about the union of mind and body. In his letter [21-05-1643] Descartes justifies this saying he had been primarily focused in the demonstration of the distinction between mind and body. Descartes himself recognized the uneven development of his doctrine on dualism and hisShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The Mind Body Dualism1232 Words  | 5 Pagesscholastic Aristotelianism and created the first version of the modern mind-body dualism or emotion†(Encyclopedia Britannica). Born on March 31, 1596, he was dubbed as the Father of Modern Philosophy. His theory on the mind-body dualism, also known as Cartesian Dualism, created a stem of the modern problem of the relationship between the mind and body. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Caribbean Internet Cafe - 795 Words
1 Caribbean Internet Cafà © Performance Management and Control, ACC 287.5 David E. Platt, Ph.D. Caribbean Internet Cafà © Primary Case-Study Objectives 2 ï µ ï µ ï µ Observe the diversity of business measurement issues. Introduce fundamental costing issues. Identify strategic and non-financial issues that are critical for decision making. Caribbean Internet Cafà © Cost Summary 3 ï µ Here is a listing of costs to be incurred (pg. 3-4). How can we organize this data in a useful way? Equipment Waiter-tutors Manager Building lease Utilities Utility deposit Internet link Internet service Insurance Advertising, mktg, promo Pre-opening advertising Other up-front costs Miscellaneous admin/main Usage Qty Unit from Exhibit 1 180 hrs/wk 1 per month 1†¦show more content†¦Jamaica $ One-Time Costs Utility deposit Pre-opening advertising Other up-front costs Total Least Most ï µ J$ J$ 7,000 20,000 120,000 147,000 Fixed Costs Waiter-tutors J$ Advertising, mktg, promo J$ Miscellaneous admin/main J$ Utilities J$ Insurance J$ Manager J$ Internet link J$ Building lease J$ * Loan interest J$ 40 10,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 40,000 10,000 30,000 1,250,000 Cost Unit per hour (x 180 x 52) per month per month per month per month per month per month per month at 10% concessionary rate What about investment in equipment? Annualized J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ 374,400 120,000 600,000 180,000 120,000 480,000 120,000 360,000 125,000 Caribbean Internet Cafà © Fixed Costs 6 ï µ Depreciation is annual fixed cost. Investment General equipment Hardware and software Furniture and artwork China and flowers Total (exhibit 1) J$ J$ Jamaica $ Fixed Costs Waiter-tutors Advertising, mktg, promo Miscellaneous admin/main Utilities Insurance Manager Internet link Building lease * Loan interest ** Depreciation Total J$40 J$10,000 J$50,000 J$15,000 J$10,000 J$40,000 J$10,000 J$30,000 J$1,250,000 Est d Life (yrs) 573,250 407,750 340,000 105,000 1,426,000 Annualized 5 J$ 3 10 2 J$ Cost Unit per hour (x 180 x 52) per month per month per month per month per month per month per month at 10% concessionary rate from above 114,650 135,917 34,000 52,500 337,067 Annualized 374,400 120,000 600,000 180,000 120,000 480,000 120,000 360,000 125,000Show MoreRelatedCaribbean Internet Cafe920 Words  | 4 PagesCase Summary of: Carribean Internet Cafà © 1. What managerial issues should David consider before starting Caribbean Internet Cafà ©? 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There are several things that Mr. Grant should examine before even looking at the projections given to him. Total capital is $2,250,000, $1,000,000 in investments and $1,250,000 in the form of a long-term loan. $1,573,000 is immediately spent leaving $677,000. If he has no customers, he can afford to remain open for 3 months. As well, theyRead MoreAccounting Case Essay1930 Words  | 8 Pagesorders over the internet site. How should this affect the activity cost driver rates calculated in Question 2? How would the switch affect Dakota’s profitability? Caribbean Internet Cafà © 1. What managerial issues should David Grant consider before starting the Caribbean Internet Cafà ©? 2. Define the fixed, variable and start-up costs in this case. 3. What is the contribution margin per customer? 4 How many customer visits will CIC need in order for the cafà © to break-even inRead MoreRe Sba1648 Words  | 7 PagesLibrary to get information on three symbolisms in Rastafari via the internet which I stored on a flash drive. On the 3rd of October 2011 at about 2:30 pm, I gave out 12 questionnaires to the Rastafararians in my community. On the 5th of October 2011, I collected back the questionnaires at about 4:35 pm, from which I gathered additional information on the study. On the 10th of October 2011 at about 10:00 am, I went to an Internet Cafà © to get pictures and additional information about the symbolism whichRead Morecafes monte bianco case analysis4234 Words  | 17 PagesExam†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....20% CASE ANALYSIS Students will work on the cases in groups of three (preferably) or four. Each group will be required to submit written Case Analysis (five pages plus Exhibits) for each of the following cases: 1. Cafes Monte Bianco: Building a Profit Plan 2. Compagnie du Froid, S.A. In addition, groups will pick four of the remaining cases (except Birch Paper) that interest them for a short write-up (2-3 pages plus exhibits). Case write-ups should include
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Philosophical And Historical Foundations Of American Politics Essay Example For Students
Philosophical And Historical Foundations Of American Politics Essay Word Count: 607The Founding Fathers views on government were influenced by both the classical republican and the natural rights philosophers. The two groups of philosophers held very different views on how a government should run. The classical republicans believed that the individual should sacrifice his or her personal freedoms in order to gain the greater good. The natural rights philosophers, on the other hand, held that a persons individual freedoms out to be preserved at all costs. The two greatest examples of historical precedent in republican government were the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, which both gave the people a great deal of power in the government by allowing them a voice. The natural rights philosophers favored the Greeks, while most classical republicans admired the Romans. The theory of classical republicanism is that the best society is one that promotes the common good instead of individual interests. One of the ways that this is done is by limiting individual rights. This idea began in Rome in 509 after King Servius successor Tarquin the Proud behaved in such a tyrannical way that the outraged aristocracy ousted him. In response to the unspeakable treatment, the Romans changed the governments job. The elite proclaimed themselves the protectors of Rome against tyranny. This mindset became crucial to the ideology through which they justified their political supremacy. From this point on, there would be intense suspicion of any individual who tried to turn popular support into personal power. Numerous problems can arise in a society which emphasizes both individual rights and the common good because the two goals are often conflicting in nature. Everyone desires individual rights, but to protect the common good a social contract must be in effect. This means that some personal rights must be sacrificed for the good of the community. The natural rights philosophy considered the rights of the individual to be of primary importance, but classical republicans held that the communitys interests were more important. Classical republicans required that people care for each other in small communities, and shared similarities in finances and religion. This required an official religion and a single set of family standards had to be followed. Thus it was obvious that this would not work in America, since so many people had come here to escape their official religions and to seek economic opportunity. The classical republicans stressed the need for moral education and homogeneity in order to protect the interests of society. They believed that if society was homogenous, that there would be fewer problems. If a society did not have homogeneity, they feared that it would splinter in factions, which would oppose the common good in favor of self-interest. Classical republicans tried to avoid these differences in property, religion, and social interaction by establishing a standard, but were unsuccessful. Democracy is founded on a combination of the classical republican and natural rights philosophies. James Madison formed the combination, called democratic republicanism. It includes the liberty and equality for a democracy (natural rights) and the need for order, and checking the corrosive effects of inequality that were involved in classical republicanism. Philosophers such as Niccolo Machiavelli and B.F. Skinner have each contributed to the principal of social welfare. This is relevant to modern society through the actions of democracies around the world. Our government and others like it strive to promote the common good, while not limiting personal freedoms. Within all three branches of our government, be they judicial, legislative, or executive, we can see the enduring imprints of classical republicanism.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Human Body - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Human Body. Answer: Introduction Business ethics are the principles and standards which tell right conduct from wrong conduct in an business organisation(Ferrell Hirt, 2016). In this report, 5 cases of ethical dilemma are analysed to offer alternatives which can be considered ethical. Producing toys-Childs Play? Dilemma: By replacing the Portuguese supplier with the Thai manufacturer the project manager would be able to get the toys at a third of what the Portuguese supplier is charging. But after visiting the manufacturing facility you realize that no manufacturing facility exists instead a family including children were working in a garage to assemble the toys. Now the project manager is faced with the dilemma of making a decision to whether continue with the Portuguese suppliers and rule out the option of outsourcing the production to Thai manufacturer, where poor working condition and child labour are prominent, or to believe the Thai partner and go ahead with the supply contract in order to save costs. Alternatives: According to the consequentialist theory of ethics results of the act or rule determine whether the rule or act is right or wrong. The underlying principle is to choose the action which creates maximum good for maximum number of people(BBC, 2014). One alternative for project manager is to outsource the toys assembly to Thai manufacturer. This will result in cost minimization for the confectionary company and employment for people of Thailand. Another ethics theory called Deontological ethics suggests that some actions need to be taken because they are the right thing to do(Encyclopdia Britannica, 2017). In this case, it is one of the Project Managers duties to ensure that cost of production stays within the budget. Outsourcing of toys assembly will definitely bring down the cost of the product as a whole. But according to the rights theory of ethics rights established by society are given highest priority(Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, 2005). But in case the Thai ma nufacturer is given the contract then there will be abuse of basic human rights. Project manager can either rule out the idea of outsourcing the assembly to Thailand or should make the Thai manufacturer follow a comprehensive code of conduct which would include norms regarding workplace, minimum wages and child labour. Failing to uphold the code of conduct would result in end of contract. Who cares whose shares? Dilemma: Regional marketing director of a chemical and pharmaceutical company is aware of the fact that, if the news of presence of a chemical with lethal side effects in a herbicide manufactured by the company, goes public the share prices will drop significantly. Now he has received a large share of his bonuses in the form of stocks and looking their performance regional marketing director has suggested his college friend Freddie, who in now an account manager at an investment bank, to invest in the stock as well and Freddie in turn has suggested his clients to do so as well. Now the regional marketing director is in dilemma regarding whether he should tell Freddie to sell his share as he is doing to avoid any losses or should he keep quiet as he has been instructed by the vice president and avoid any effects on share prices before the news is published. Alternatives: In this case, following facts are available: 1) Freddie is an old friend of Regional Marketing Manager who has invested in PCCs shares and has asked his clients to do the same; 2) Vice President has asked all senior managers to stay quiet about the findings of the study. According to Virtue ethics by practising virtuous qualities like honesty, generosity etc. a person will develop a moral character and this will help him/her to make ethical decisions(Cline, 2017). Marketing Director is aware that by Friday next week the share prices will definitely face impact due to publishing of the report and his friend Freddie will also get the news by his channels, which means that in next week Freddie will anyways sell off his shares and ask his clients to do the same. One option for Marketing director is to let Freddie know about the reports by his sources and remain quiet about it on Friday as his Vice president has instructed or he can let Freddie know about the reports and its repercussions so that Freddie does not lose his job. Dilemma: Human resource manager of AllCure Pharmaceuticals has to select between two shortlisted candidates to fill the vacancy at clinical trials team. In order to determine social skills HR manger went through the social media profiles of these two candidates. It can be deciphered from the content uploaded by the candidate with relevant work experience that she is too much into partying and possibly in illegal activities like consuming drugs on the other hand the social profile of the candidate with no relevant work experience suggested that she is sociable and well-travelled individual. Now the HR manager is faced by the decision to choose inexperienced but sociable or experienced but with somewhat outrageous social profile. Alternatives: It is clearly stated in the case that the candidate with relevant experience has uploaded some outrageous images of herself which also suggest that she is involved in illegal activities like consumption of drugs. Social media profiles are like interviews and there are chances that if the recruiter doesnt liked the profile the person might not be good to work with as well(Hill, 2012). This particular candidate if hired will be expected to have meticulous work attitude as the nature of the work is sensitive, someone who is clearly into alcohol and drugs may have concentration issues(White, 2017). In such a scenario one option is to cross check with the previous employer about the candidate or to recruit the other candidate and fill the position. Organic Food-What is an organic Label really worth? Given the increased awareness about the organic food consumers today do not hesitate in paying premium prices to buy organic food products. But the ethical issues arise when consumers are poorly informed about what exactly the organic label might mean. For example in the US the word organic can be used for the products which contain upto 95% of organic ingredients, the rest 5% can include chemicals for flavour enhancing, colouring or thickening. Many organisations like the American retailer Target was nabbed for falsely marketing its soymilk as organic. Similarly German authorities identified more than 200 farms which were selling their non-organic eggs as premium priced organic eggs. China has been exporting its organic products in international markets but its credibility is also questionable. Apart from certification issues there is another environmental issue related to organic farming. As it takes almost two and a half times the land to produce organic food in large quantity fam ers in developing countries tend to burning forests to convert them in farms, which results in emission of carbon dioxide and danger to wildlife. Alternatives: Consumer Rights are body of law that relates to things producers of goods and services should do to avoid any harm to customers(, 2018). Being ethical with consumers is the most important aspect of Business ethics. Violation of consumers rights can damage public relation of the corporation(Crane Matten, 2014). In this case in the consumers are being charged more for products labelled as Organic when they are actually not. This is happening majorly because of lack of knowledge in consumers and secondly because of products being imported from countries with poor legislations for food certification. USDA has created a new database of organic food growers and some pesticides and herbicides, considered organic, will be considered non acceptable(Wells, 2015). Todays organisations operate in an open and digital world where authenticity is key to success, in order to meet the growing demand of ethical behaviour by consumers it is a good idea for organisations to be open in their opera tions(Baker, 2015). A new Spin on responsible sourcing? Uzbekistan is one of the five countries dominating cotton exports. Due to lack of technology almost 90% of cotton is harvested by hand in Uzbekistan. In order to meet the demand children are forced to labour in felids during harvesting season. In 2005, labour conditions at Uzbekistan were exposed in a report Environmental Justice foundation. However, initial response from business community was that they cannot possibly boycott cotton from Uzbekistan as it is very difficult to trace the origin of raw materials used to produce a piece of clothing. But, as the pressure built many companies decided to boycott Uzbek Cotton. As a response Uzbekistan signed ILO convention, committing to stop child labour and developing an action plan meet its commitments. But in 2010, a study done by University of London revealed the existence of forced child labour in Uzbekistan. Boycott by western manufacturers intensified and some progress in situation were witnessed but Uzbekistan started to export its produce to countries which were not concerned much about the labour practices. Alternatives: As it has been mentioned by various manufacturers that it is impossible for them to completely boycott Uzbekistan cotton firstly because to produce a piece of cloth cotton from various sources is used and secondly there is more than one way by which Uzbekistan cotton can enter supply chain. Here ethics of duty play a major role. Uzbekistani governments action of forcibly employing children on cotton field cannot be justified by the revenue they generate from export(BBC, 2014). This has raised questions regarding the ethics of suppliers. This is done majorly in Asian countries where western companies outsource much of their production like Bangladesh, Thailand etc. But some companies have undertaken implementation of supply chain traceability(Ethical Consumer, 2015). International community can play an important role in persuading the Uzbekistan government to follow strict child labour policies, where the age of working population is clearly defined and to encourage use of technology for cotton harvesting. Finally, Government and Corporates should set up the code of ethics in order to highlight the consequences of human rights violation, like loss of business both for government and corporates. Conclusion It can be concluded that no business activity falls out of the preview of ethics. Whether it is Outsourcing, recruitment, shareholders, suppliers or consumers every aspect of business decision is influenced by ethics. In order to build a reputation of trustworthy organisation all business decisions should be based on ethics. Bibliography Baker, J., 2015. The rise of the conscious consumer: why businesses need to open up. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2018]. BBC, 2014. About consequentialism. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. BBC, 2014. About duty-based ethics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2018]. Cline, A., 2017. Virtue Ethics: Morality and Character. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Crane, A. Matten, D., 2014. Business Ethics. 4th ed. Oxford University Press. Encyclopdia Britannica, 2017. Deontological ethics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, 2005. Rights Theory. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Ethical Consumer, 2015. Ending forced labour in Uzbekistan. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2018]. Ferrell, O.C. Hirt, G.A., 2016. Business: A Changing World. McGraw-Hill Publication., 2018. What Are Consumer Rights? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Hill, K., 2012. Facebook Can Tell You If A Person Is Worth Hiring. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Wells, J., 2015. Is 'organic' really organic? A deep dive into the dirt. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2018]. White, S., 2017. Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on the Human Body. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018].
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