Saturday, December 28, 2019
Cartesian Dualism and the Union of Mind and Body Essay
Cartesian Dualism and the Union of Mind and Body ABSTRACT: Cartesian dualism and the union of mind and body are often understood as conceptions that contradict each other. Diachronic interpretations maintain that Descartes was first a dualist (in the Meditations) and later on developed his stance on the union of mind and body (Passions). Some authors find here a problem without solution. Nevertheless, in the last two decades, some interpretations have been developed intending to give a positive solution to the difficult relation between Cartesian dualism and the union of mind and body. The problem that I find in most of them is that they try to show no incoherence between Descartes dualism and his conception of the union and†¦show more content†¦So, when he asserts the union between the human mind and body, some interpreters find that he presents a contradictory position. Others think that probably Descartes was not so radical in his dualism. In order to build a different interpretation about the Cartesian dualism and the union of mind and body, I have established two categories. I call diachronic interpretations those that maintain that Descartes was first a dualist (i.e., in the Meditations), and later on developed his stance on the union of mind and body (i.e., in the Passions). Against diachronic perspectives, I propose a synchronic interpretation under which I maintain that Cartesian dualism and the union of mind and body are simultaneously present all along Descartes works. (1) Through this category I try to accomplish my purpose in this paper, which is to show that there is coherence and intelligibility in Descartes conceptions of dualism and union. Redefinition of the Problem under a Synchronic Interpretation When Princess Elisabeth questioned Descartes on the possibility of interaction between heterogeneous substances [AT III 661]., he answered recognizing that through his works, he had not said much about the union of mind and body. In his letter [21-05-1643] Descartes justifies this saying he had been primarily focused in the demonstration of the distinction between mind and body. Descartes himself recognized the uneven development of his doctrine on dualism and hisShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The Mind Body Dualism1232 Words  | 5 Pagesscholastic Aristotelianism and created the first version of the modern mind-body dualism or emotion†(Encyclopedia Britannica). Born on March 31, 1596, he was dubbed as the Father of Modern Philosophy. His theory on the mind-body dualism, also known as Cartesian Dualism, created a stem of the modern problem of the relationship between the mind and body. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Caribbean Internet Cafe - 795 Words
1 Caribbean Internet Cafà © Performance Management and Control, ACC 287.5 David E. Platt, Ph.D. Caribbean Internet Cafà © Primary Case-Study Objectives 2 ï µ ï µ ï µ Observe the diversity of business measurement issues. Introduce fundamental costing issues. Identify strategic and non-financial issues that are critical for decision making. Caribbean Internet Cafà © Cost Summary 3 ï µ Here is a listing of costs to be incurred (pg. 3-4). How can we organize this data in a useful way? Equipment Waiter-tutors Manager Building lease Utilities Utility deposit Internet link Internet service Insurance Advertising, mktg, promo Pre-opening advertising Other up-front costs Miscellaneous admin/main Usage Qty Unit from Exhibit 1 180 hrs/wk 1 per month 1†¦show more content†¦Jamaica $ One-Time Costs Utility deposit Pre-opening advertising Other up-front costs Total Least Most ï µ J$ J$ 7,000 20,000 120,000 147,000 Fixed Costs Waiter-tutors J$ Advertising, mktg, promo J$ Miscellaneous admin/main J$ Utilities J$ Insurance J$ Manager J$ Internet link J$ Building lease J$ * Loan interest J$ 40 10,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 40,000 10,000 30,000 1,250,000 Cost Unit per hour (x 180 x 52) per month per month per month per month per month per month per month at 10% concessionary rate What about investment in equipment? Annualized J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ J$ 374,400 120,000 600,000 180,000 120,000 480,000 120,000 360,000 125,000 Caribbean Internet Cafà © Fixed Costs 6 ï µ Depreciation is annual fixed cost. Investment General equipment Hardware and software Furniture and artwork China and flowers Total (exhibit 1) J$ J$ Jamaica $ Fixed Costs Waiter-tutors Advertising, mktg, promo Miscellaneous admin/main Utilities Insurance Manager Internet link Building lease * Loan interest ** Depreciation Total J$40 J$10,000 J$50,000 J$15,000 J$10,000 J$40,000 J$10,000 J$30,000 J$1,250,000 Est d Life (yrs) 573,250 407,750 340,000 105,000 1,426,000 Annualized 5 J$ 3 10 2 J$ Cost Unit per hour (x 180 x 52) per month per month per month per month per month per month per month at 10% concessionary rate from above 114,650 135,917 34,000 52,500 337,067 Annualized 374,400 120,000 600,000 180,000 120,000 480,000 120,000 360,000 125,000Show MoreRelatedCaribbean Internet Cafe920 Words  | 4 PagesCase Summary of: Carribean Internet Cafà © 1. What managerial issues should David consider before starting Caribbean Internet Cafà ©? 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He examined the market and found that the industry price was $90 per hour for internet service andRead MoreThe Marketing Mix Hard Rock Cafe1259 Words  | 6 Pagesand/or services are moved from the manufacturer/service provider to the user or consumer. It can include any physical store as well as virtual stores on the Internet. In our case the Hard Rock Cafà © operates in 38 countries throughout the globe. The Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s of the Hard Rock chain are located in: Hawai, North America, Mexico/Central America, Caribbean, South America, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Japan and Australia/Oceania. Hard Rock Hotels are located in the following cities throughout the world: Read MoreRoyal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd: Hbr Case Study1130 Words  | 5 PagesRoyal Caribbean Cruises, LTD: A Case Study 1. 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In addition, since 2009 government has made it a requirement for every passenger to have a passport or passport id whichRead MoreEthnography Study of Coffee House2553 Words  | 11 Pageshomogenization, polarization, and hybridization,†(Holton 2000). This essay seeks to lend credence to the hybridization thesi s, by observing a coffee house located in the developing country of Trinidad and Tobago (TT). Focusing on the aesthetics of the cafà © and the purchase behaviour of its customers, this essay intends to evaluate the attempt of this organisation to create a coffee culture in TT. This evaluation will then inform the argument of hybridization by demonstrating how cultures exchange elementsRead MoreCarribean Internet Cafe1263 Words  | 6 PagesAssignment #1: Caribbean Intern Cafà © Date: November 14, 2012 1. There are many issues that Mr. Grant should consider before proceeding with the CIC. There are several things that Mr. Grant should examine before even looking at the projections given to him. Total capital is $2,250,000, $1,000,000 in investments and $1,250,000 in the form of a long-term loan. $1,573,000 is immediately spent leaving $677,000. If he has no customers, he can afford to remain open for 3 months. As well, theyRead MoreAccounting Case Essay1930 Words  | 8 Pagesorders over the internet site. How should this affect the activity cost driver rates calculated in Question 2? How would the switch affect Dakota’s profitability? Caribbean Internet Cafà © 1. What managerial issues should David Grant consider before starting the Caribbean Internet Cafà ©? 2. Define the fixed, variable and start-up costs in this case. 3. What is the contribution margin per customer? 4 How many customer visits will CIC need in order for the cafà © to break-even inRead MoreRe Sba1648 Words  | 7 PagesLibrary to get information on three symbolisms in Rastafari via the internet which I stored on a flash drive. On the 3rd of October 2011 at about 2:30 pm, I gave out 12 questionnaires to the Rastafararians in my community. On the 5th of October 2011, I collected back the questionnaires at about 4:35 pm, from which I gathered additional information on the study. On the 10th of October 2011 at about 10:00 am, I went to an Internet Cafà © to get pictures and additional information about the symbolism whichRead Morecafes monte bianco case analysis4234 Words  | 17 PagesExam†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....20% CASE ANALYSIS Students will work on the cases in groups of three (preferably) or four. Each group will be required to submit written Case Analysis (five pages plus Exhibits) for each of the following cases: 1. Cafes Monte Bianco: Building a Profit Plan 2. Compagnie du Froid, S.A. In addition, groups will pick four of the remaining cases (except Birch Paper) that interest them for a short write-up (2-3 pages plus exhibits). Case write-ups should include
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Philosophical And Historical Foundations Of American Politics Essay Example For Students
Philosophical And Historical Foundations Of American Politics Essay Word Count: 607The Founding Fathers views on government were influenced by both the classical republican and the natural rights philosophers. The two groups of philosophers held very different views on how a government should run. The classical republicans believed that the individual should sacrifice his or her personal freedoms in order to gain the greater good. The natural rights philosophers, on the other hand, held that a persons individual freedoms out to be preserved at all costs. The two greatest examples of historical precedent in republican government were the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, which both gave the people a great deal of power in the government by allowing them a voice. The natural rights philosophers favored the Greeks, while most classical republicans admired the Romans. The theory of classical republicanism is that the best society is one that promotes the common good instead of individual interests. One of the ways that this is done is by limiting individual rights. This idea began in Rome in 509 after King Servius successor Tarquin the Proud behaved in such a tyrannical way that the outraged aristocracy ousted him. In response to the unspeakable treatment, the Romans changed the governments job. The elite proclaimed themselves the protectors of Rome against tyranny. This mindset became crucial to the ideology through which they justified their political supremacy. From this point on, there would be intense suspicion of any individual who tried to turn popular support into personal power. Numerous problems can arise in a society which emphasizes both individual rights and the common good because the two goals are often conflicting in nature. Everyone desires individual rights, but to protect the common good a social contract must be in effect. This means that some personal rights must be sacrificed for the good of the community. The natural rights philosophy considered the rights of the individual to be of primary importance, but classical republicans held that the communitys interests were more important. Classical republicans required that people care for each other in small communities, and shared similarities in finances and religion. This required an official religion and a single set of family standards had to be followed. Thus it was obvious that this would not work in America, since so many people had come here to escape their official religions and to seek economic opportunity. The classical republicans stressed the need for moral education and homogeneity in order to protect the interests of society. They believed that if society was homogenous, that there would be fewer problems. If a society did not have homogeneity, they feared that it would splinter in factions, which would oppose the common good in favor of self-interest. Classical republicans tried to avoid these differences in property, religion, and social interaction by establishing a standard, but were unsuccessful. Democracy is founded on a combination of the classical republican and natural rights philosophies. James Madison formed the combination, called democratic republicanism. It includes the liberty and equality for a democracy (natural rights) and the need for order, and checking the corrosive effects of inequality that were involved in classical republicanism. Philosophers such as Niccolo Machiavelli and B.F. Skinner have each contributed to the principal of social welfare. This is relevant to modern society through the actions of democracies around the world. Our government and others like it strive to promote the common good, while not limiting personal freedoms. Within all three branches of our government, be they judicial, legislative, or executive, we can see the enduring imprints of classical republicanism.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Human Body - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Human Body. Answer: Introduction Business ethics are the principles and standards which tell right conduct from wrong conduct in an business organisation(Ferrell Hirt, 2016). In this report, 5 cases of ethical dilemma are analysed to offer alternatives which can be considered ethical. Producing toys-Childs Play? Dilemma: By replacing the Portuguese supplier with the Thai manufacturer the project manager would be able to get the toys at a third of what the Portuguese supplier is charging. But after visiting the manufacturing facility you realize that no manufacturing facility exists instead a family including children were working in a garage to assemble the toys. Now the project manager is faced with the dilemma of making a decision to whether continue with the Portuguese suppliers and rule out the option of outsourcing the production to Thai manufacturer, where poor working condition and child labour are prominent, or to believe the Thai partner and go ahead with the supply contract in order to save costs. Alternatives: According to the consequentialist theory of ethics results of the act or rule determine whether the rule or act is right or wrong. The underlying principle is to choose the action which creates maximum good for maximum number of people(BBC, 2014). One alternative for project manager is to outsource the toys assembly to Thai manufacturer. This will result in cost minimization for the confectionary company and employment for people of Thailand. Another ethics theory called Deontological ethics suggests that some actions need to be taken because they are the right thing to do(Encyclopdia Britannica, 2017). In this case, it is one of the Project Managers duties to ensure that cost of production stays within the budget. Outsourcing of toys assembly will definitely bring down the cost of the product as a whole. But according to the rights theory of ethics rights established by society are given highest priority(Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, 2005). But in case the Thai ma nufacturer is given the contract then there will be abuse of basic human rights. Project manager can either rule out the idea of outsourcing the assembly to Thailand or should make the Thai manufacturer follow a comprehensive code of conduct which would include norms regarding workplace, minimum wages and child labour. Failing to uphold the code of conduct would result in end of contract. Who cares whose shares? Dilemma: Regional marketing director of a chemical and pharmaceutical company is aware of the fact that, if the news of presence of a chemical with lethal side effects in a herbicide manufactured by the company, goes public the share prices will drop significantly. Now he has received a large share of his bonuses in the form of stocks and looking their performance regional marketing director has suggested his college friend Freddie, who in now an account manager at an investment bank, to invest in the stock as well and Freddie in turn has suggested his clients to do so as well. Now the regional marketing director is in dilemma regarding whether he should tell Freddie to sell his share as he is doing to avoid any losses or should he keep quiet as he has been instructed by the vice president and avoid any effects on share prices before the news is published. Alternatives: In this case, following facts are available: 1) Freddie is an old friend of Regional Marketing Manager who has invested in PCCs shares and has asked his clients to do the same; 2) Vice President has asked all senior managers to stay quiet about the findings of the study. According to Virtue ethics by practising virtuous qualities like honesty, generosity etc. a person will develop a moral character and this will help him/her to make ethical decisions(Cline, 2017). Marketing Director is aware that by Friday next week the share prices will definitely face impact due to publishing of the report and his friend Freddie will also get the news by his channels, which means that in next week Freddie will anyways sell off his shares and ask his clients to do the same. One option for Marketing director is to let Freddie know about the reports by his sources and remain quiet about it on Friday as his Vice president has instructed or he can let Freddie know about the reports and its repercussions so that Freddie does not lose his job. Dilemma: Human resource manager of AllCure Pharmaceuticals has to select between two shortlisted candidates to fill the vacancy at clinical trials team. In order to determine social skills HR manger went through the social media profiles of these two candidates. It can be deciphered from the content uploaded by the candidate with relevant work experience that she is too much into partying and possibly in illegal activities like consuming drugs on the other hand the social profile of the candidate with no relevant work experience suggested that she is sociable and well-travelled individual. Now the HR manager is faced by the decision to choose inexperienced but sociable or experienced but with somewhat outrageous social profile. Alternatives: It is clearly stated in the case that the candidate with relevant experience has uploaded some outrageous images of herself which also suggest that she is involved in illegal activities like consumption of drugs. Social media profiles are like interviews and there are chances that if the recruiter doesnt liked the profile the person might not be good to work with as well(Hill, 2012). This particular candidate if hired will be expected to have meticulous work attitude as the nature of the work is sensitive, someone who is clearly into alcohol and drugs may have concentration issues(White, 2017). In such a scenario one option is to cross check with the previous employer about the candidate or to recruit the other candidate and fill the position. Organic Food-What is an organic Label really worth? Given the increased awareness about the organic food consumers today do not hesitate in paying premium prices to buy organic food products. But the ethical issues arise when consumers are poorly informed about what exactly the organic label might mean. For example in the US the word organic can be used for the products which contain upto 95% of organic ingredients, the rest 5% can include chemicals for flavour enhancing, colouring or thickening. Many organisations like the American retailer Target was nabbed for falsely marketing its soymilk as organic. Similarly German authorities identified more than 200 farms which were selling their non-organic eggs as premium priced organic eggs. China has been exporting its organic products in international markets but its credibility is also questionable. Apart from certification issues there is another environmental issue related to organic farming. As it takes almost two and a half times the land to produce organic food in large quantity fam ers in developing countries tend to burning forests to convert them in farms, which results in emission of carbon dioxide and danger to wildlife. Alternatives: Consumer Rights are body of law that relates to things producers of goods and services should do to avoid any harm to customers(, 2018). Being ethical with consumers is the most important aspect of Business ethics. Violation of consumers rights can damage public relation of the corporation(Crane Matten, 2014). In this case in the consumers are being charged more for products labelled as Organic when they are actually not. This is happening majorly because of lack of knowledge in consumers and secondly because of products being imported from countries with poor legislations for food certification. USDA has created a new database of organic food growers and some pesticides and herbicides, considered organic, will be considered non acceptable(Wells, 2015). Todays organisations operate in an open and digital world where authenticity is key to success, in order to meet the growing demand of ethical behaviour by consumers it is a good idea for organisations to be open in their opera tions(Baker, 2015). A new Spin on responsible sourcing? Uzbekistan is one of the five countries dominating cotton exports. Due to lack of technology almost 90% of cotton is harvested by hand in Uzbekistan. In order to meet the demand children are forced to labour in felids during harvesting season. In 2005, labour conditions at Uzbekistan were exposed in a report Environmental Justice foundation. However, initial response from business community was that they cannot possibly boycott cotton from Uzbekistan as it is very difficult to trace the origin of raw materials used to produce a piece of clothing. But, as the pressure built many companies decided to boycott Uzbek Cotton. As a response Uzbekistan signed ILO convention, committing to stop child labour and developing an action plan meet its commitments. But in 2010, a study done by University of London revealed the existence of forced child labour in Uzbekistan. Boycott by western manufacturers intensified and some progress in situation were witnessed but Uzbekistan started to export its produce to countries which were not concerned much about the labour practices. Alternatives: As it has been mentioned by various manufacturers that it is impossible for them to completely boycott Uzbekistan cotton firstly because to produce a piece of cloth cotton from various sources is used and secondly there is more than one way by which Uzbekistan cotton can enter supply chain. Here ethics of duty play a major role. Uzbekistani governments action of forcibly employing children on cotton field cannot be justified by the revenue they generate from export(BBC, 2014). This has raised questions regarding the ethics of suppliers. This is done majorly in Asian countries where western companies outsource much of their production like Bangladesh, Thailand etc. But some companies have undertaken implementation of supply chain traceability(Ethical Consumer, 2015). International community can play an important role in persuading the Uzbekistan government to follow strict child labour policies, where the age of working population is clearly defined and to encourage use of technology for cotton harvesting. Finally, Government and Corporates should set up the code of ethics in order to highlight the consequences of human rights violation, like loss of business both for government and corporates. Conclusion It can be concluded that no business activity falls out of the preview of ethics. Whether it is Outsourcing, recruitment, shareholders, suppliers or consumers every aspect of business decision is influenced by ethics. In order to build a reputation of trustworthy organisation all business decisions should be based on ethics. Bibliography Baker, J., 2015. The rise of the conscious consumer: why businesses need to open up. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2018]. BBC, 2014. About consequentialism. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. BBC, 2014. About duty-based ethics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2018]. Cline, A., 2017. Virtue Ethics: Morality and Character. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Crane, A. Matten, D., 2014. Business Ethics. 4th ed. Oxford University Press. Encyclopdia Britannica, 2017. Deontological ethics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, 2005. Rights Theory. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Ethical Consumer, 2015. Ending forced labour in Uzbekistan. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2018]. Ferrell, O.C. Hirt, G.A., 2016. Business: A Changing World. McGraw-Hill Publication., 2018. What Are Consumer Rights? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Hill, K., 2012. Facebook Can Tell You If A Person Is Worth Hiring. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Wells, J., 2015. Is 'organic' really organic? A deep dive into the dirt. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2018]. White, S., 2017. Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on the Human Body. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018].
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Alienation and Capitalism
Alienation and Capitalism Introduction The idea of alienation was developed by Karl Marx and it can be used to analyze the nature of human interaction in the current world. Alienation is widespread today and it can barely be witnessed in almost all societies. â€Å"Marx developed his theory of alienation to reveal the human activity that lies behind the seemingly impersonal forces dominating society†(Meszaros 45). Marx contends that the modern world is a product of past human activities.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Alienation and Capitalism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He further explains that the future world will also be influenced by human activities. The materialist theory as put forward by Marx indicates that human beings were influenced by their societies. Marx believes that alienation is entrenched in materialism and not in religion or the psyche. However, Hegel and Feuerbach associated alienation with the former and no t the latter. Alienation in essence meant loss of the capacity to have power over labor. Human Nature â€Å"Marx criticized the notion that humans possess a fixed nature regardless of their society†(Marx 398). He clearly explained how the myriad factors associated with the unchanging human character, vary considerably in various societies. He contended that the necessity to influence nature to fulfill human requirements was the only systematic aspect of all human cultures. Just like animals, people should work in order to stay alive. Nonetheless, human labor was differentiated from animal labor since human beings developed perception. Ernest Fischer noted that human labor is unique since people consciously work on nature, and formulate new mechanisms of getting the items they require. Working on nature changes both the laborer and his environment. â€Å"Consequently, labor is a dynamic process through which the laborer shapes and moulds the world he lives in and stimulates himself to create and innovate†(Ollman 156). According to Marx, â€Å"the individual is the social being†(Ollman 157). In this context, Marx implies that as people struggle to obtain their daily needs, they are all compelled to interact with others. Society is not merely comprised of people; it conveys the totality of relationships and connections that people find themselves in. labor makes people to interact physically with the world. Development of humanity is partly determined by labor. Moreover, human relationships are a product of labor itself. â€Å"Our ability to work, to improve how we work and build on our successes, has tended to result in the cumulative development of the productive forces†(Macionis 456). This is what produced class society. Surplus production caused division of societies into classes. This process was significant in developing and controlling dynamics of production. However, it also meant that most producers could no longer have co ntrol of other people’s labor. As a result, labor alienation emerged with social order.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More â€Å"The emergence of class divisions in which one class had control over the means of producing what society needed, led to a further division between individuals and the society to which they belonged†(Marx 345). Even though alienation is persistent in the world, it can still be altered. Alienation and Capitalism â€Å"Alienation arose from the low level of the productive forces, from human subordination to the land and from the domination of the feudal ruling class†(Macionis 134). Nonetheless, these types of alienation exhibited some restrictions. For instance, peasants labored independently on their land, and produced their necessities within their autonomous family systems. Capitalism had dynamics and constraints that were different from those of feudalism. The bourgeoisie envisaged a society where transactions could primarily be based on money. In this case, alienation is practiced through selling. In the capitalist society, many individuals were restrained from accessing the vital modes of production. As such, the majority of people were rendered landless. This compelled them to sell their labor in order to meet their daily necessities. Hence, labor was commoditized and it could be sold just like other items in the market. â€Å"Capitalism involved a fundamental change in the relations between men, instruments of production and the materials of production†(Marx 234). Production shifted from homes to factories. Division of labor came into sight with the onset of factory production, and it was really devastating. Workers became over dependent on the bourgeoisie, who dominated production. Forced labor also emerged because laborers had no influence in their jobs. Alienation was worsened by capi talism. In this case, workers were extremely alienated from the items they produced. â€Å"Marx argued that the alienation of the worker from what he produces is intensified because the products of labor actually begin to dominate the laborer†(Macionis 367). Part of a worker’s produce is embezzled by his employer. Therefore, the worker is continuously exploited. Workers also use their wages to purchase what they have produced themselves. The labor patterns today have been seriously fragmented by the current production models.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Alienation and Capitalism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion From this discussion, it is evident that alienation has consistently developed from the ancient world to present. At present, alienation is manifested clearly by the kind of interaction that prevails between modern industrialists and their laborers. In this parasitic interaction, the capitalists have a tight grip on production channels. Conversely, workers are only left with the option of selling their skills. Therefore, Marx’s alienation concept is relevant in examining the existing production systems. Macionis, John. Sociology. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall, 1997. Marx, Karl. Theories of Surplus Value. New York: Humanity Books, 2000. Meszaros, Istvan. Marxs Theory of Alienation. New York: Merlin Press, 1986. Ollman, Bertell. Alienation: Marxs Conception of Man in a Capitalist Society. London: Cambridge University Press, 1977.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Difficulties accessing health and social care services Essays
Difficulties accessing health and social care services Essays Difficulties accessing health and social care services Essay Difficulties accessing health and social care services Essay When the National Health Services ( NHS ) was founded in 1948, one of the rules was to supply complete services to all and free at the clip of demand in UK ( nursing 2009 ) . Access to healthcare services is based on clinical demands of an person and non the ability to pay the services. This means everyone has the rights of accessing to wellness and societal attention, although it is still a major job for low societal group and cultural minority who are confronting personal, socio economic, cultural and jobs go oning as consequences of the construction of wellness and societal attention procedures ( POSTNOTE 2007 ) . In this essay, a instance survey will be used to show a patient with learning disablement who faces assorted jobs during his entree to wellness and societal attention services and factors that contributed to these jobs. Besides it will concentrate on how nurses could back up these persons to do determinations about their attention. The significance of larning disablement will be explained. The assignment will besides look at major cultural and societal economic act uponing the wellness and wellness picks of persons. Besides it will analyse the differences between wellness instruction and wellness publicity and with their importance in single in accessing wellness and societal attention. The challenges inherent in run intoing the demands of people of changing abilities and societal backgrounds will be look at every bit good as the factors that trigger the accessing of multi-professional wellness and societal service. The essay will besides discourse the apprehension of the statute law related to the proviso of wellness and societal attention, as a nurse why are we needed to be cognizant of the inequalities in proviso. A name mentioned in the instance survey has been changed in order to follow with the codification of NMC ( 2008 ) and consent was obtained from the patient and the name Anil will be used in position. Anil is a male child of 18 old ages old who came to UK from South East Asia seven old ages ago. He lives with his parents in the lodging estate of East London where bulk are cultural from South Asia. His male parent who earns minimal rewards plants in a nutrient mill in six yearss a hebdomad, speaks English and his female parent is a fulltime homemaker and does non talk English, merely Hindu. Anil was born with Asperger syndrome, a womb-to-tomb disablement that affects how a individual makes sense of the universe, processes information and relates to other people. Peoples with Asperger can happen hard to pass on and interacts with other ( NAS 2010 ) . Anil had neer been to hospital in India and he was treated by traditional therapists. He merely started seeks medical aid when he moved to UK. Anil physical status has deteriorated late. He does non eat good ; look tired, sometimes suffered concern and happening hard in kiping. Since he came to UK, he had been to school for three old ages merely and he neer had friends. He does non blend good with other people and his parents do non trouble oneself about this. At times he lets himself go a small ignored. Anil represents a little and vulnerable group in a society who find trouble in accessing and utilizing wellness and societal attention because of the greater wellness attention needs they have than general population. Motor and centripetal disablements, Epilepsy, high blood pressure and Alzheimer s disease are some of the conditions that are common in this group ( NURSING STANDARD 2010 ) . The MENCAP study ( DEATH IN DEFFERENCES 2007 ) states that people with learning disablement are being treated wrongly in all portion of healthcare proviso and they are non every bit valued in the wellness services. The authorities besides revealed that people with learning disablements are poorer peculiarly consumption of invitations on primary attention and infirmary commissariats such as entree showing services ( ALD 200/01 ) . Because of their greater demands of health care, they are more prone to a broad assortment of extra physical and mental wellness jobs as it shows to Anil. Harmonizing to T udor- Hart ( cited in Hart 1985 ) there is an increasing in grounds of an inverse attention jurisprudence where those who demands are greatest acquire the least. Learning Disability is a life long status which has a significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information and it is vary from one individual to another. The World Health Organization ( WHO ) defines larning disablement as damage of the organic structure map which limits the activity of an person in executing a undertaking or action ( WHO 2010 ) Harmonizing to Thomas and Woods in their book Working with people with larning disablements 11 ( 2003 ) , a learning disablement is a nomenclature used to label people with lower degree of rational that is lower than the mean to normal people in the society. The term itself was widely accepted in England following a address in 1996 to MENCAP by Stephen Dorrell, the so secretary for Health. From clip to clip the rubric and labels have changed and this has been driven by several influences. The term used to cover kids with specific larning jobs that may originate from a figure of different things like emotional jobs, medical jobs and linguistic communication damage ( BILD 2004 ) . In the past, many people with larning disablement were lived in establishments and have been labeled otherwise by their coevalss. Many different signifiers of footings have been used before. Terminology such as threat, sub- human being, indefinable objects of apprehension, holy inexperienced person, diseased being, ageless kid and many more ( WOLFENSBERGER,1972 ) . There are about 1.5 million people with larning disablement in UK who require different degrees of support ( MENCAP ) . It has been identified that about 26.5 % of people who have larning disablement as being associated with familial factors ( Craft et al 1985 ) . Learning Disabilities is caused by jobs during encephalon development before, during and after birth ( RCSLT 2009 ) . There are different types of larning disablements some of which are Asperger syndrome ( a particular type of Autism ) which affect a individual the manner interact to the universe, reading disablements, composing disablements, not verbal acquisition disablements ( NVLD ) and many more ( ALD 2000-2010 ) , reading disablement ( dyslexia ) , address and listening disablement, and audile processing upset. It is frequently detected in early childhood. In UK there are Torahs and policies which describe how the demands of people with larning disablements should be met. The intent of these Torahs and policies is to better quality of life and based on authorization, doing picks and determination, holding the same chance and rights as other people and societal inclusion. Policy such as` valuing people which explain how the authorities will supply same chance and pick for people with larning disablements and their households to populate full and independent lives as portion of their local communities and to guarantee they gain maximal life opportunity benefit ( DOH 2010 ) . The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 which is a piece of statute law promotes the rights of people with larning disablements to entree health care and other attention services. Healthcare suppliers must esteem, back up them and their households and conforms to professional criterion ( NHS 2006 ) . It is the NHS responsibility to do certain they provide an equal service that can be easy accessed by anyone harmonizing to this Act. Most of the people with larning disablements have sensory and physical damage that make it difficult to do their picks and to understand by others. A piece of statute law which protects them in England is Mental Capacity Act 2005 which is empowers and protects vulnerable people who are non able to do their ain determination. Peoples with larning disablement will still hold the right to give their consent for day-to-day life and accessing the services despite of holding significantly reduced ability to understand new larning accomplishments ( NURSING STANDARD 2010 ) . If the individual lack a capacity of giving or declining consent, it is still possible for attention suppliers to supply attention and interventions for the best involvement of the individual ( DOH 2003 ) . A study showed that about 62 % of all people with larning disablements depend on their parents and other health professionals ( EMERSON et al 2005 ) . However, healthcare suppliers have a responsibility to understand and acknowledge the demands of a individual with larning disablements and do certain their demands are met. It is a nursing function to work in partnership with the clients to get the better of barriers by placing what direction and determination to stand for the individual largely professionally although clients and their attentions may do their ain determination. Peoples with larning disablements in lower societal categories are peculiarly disadvantage relation to the higher societal categories in accessing health care services because of physical, societal, psychological and economic barriers that limit their full engagement in society. Acheson ( 1998 ) identified the links between inequalities and hapless wellness. He noted that wellness inequalities were widening with the poorest in society being more affected than those who are good away. The station codification lottery which depends on where you might populate is a large issue in NHS. The handiness of better intervention, drugs and waiting clip in a disadvantaged country where people depend on province health care commissariats will transport on experience hapless entree to services and intervention than those who have the power of purchasing services in private services ( GUARDIAN 2000 ) . Peoples from cultural backgrounds experience health care service otherwise due to their deficiency of cognition which can be limited by the ability to pass on in English. They may happen challenge to come in health care services because it may necessitate, for illustration doing a telephone call, assignment, get bying with a queuing system and complex processs ( NHS 2006 ) . Different in civilization s attitude and stigma between where they came from and UK can impact Anil s wellness. It is believed that South Asiatic parents do nt hold positive attitudes towards disablements because spiritual and superstitious beliefs ( ROYAL COLLEGE OF PSYCHIATRIC 2003 ) . Anil s parents might non take his job earnestly because of their background and societal stigma of holding a kid with disablement ( AUTISM-INDIA 2008 ) . Harmonizing to the study of Department of Health ( 2009 ) a reappraisal in development in undertaking wellness inequalities of Acheson, recommended the betterment of life criterions of people with lower income than mean. Among the people in this group are people populating in a disadvantaged country and depend on societal lodging. Besides people with larning disablement may neglect to acquire the necessary services because of deficiency of understanding about wellness issues jointing their demands based on their hapless experiences of instruction system ( Mathews 1996 ) . Research carried out by Cartwright A ; Obrien1976 found that General Practitioners spend far less clip with their patients from lower categories ( cited in Hart 1985, p59 ) . The state of affairs may be more complex for service users who have small or no verbal communicating and those with learning disablement. A learning disablement individual may be unable to place and depict the marks and symptoms necessitating accurate medical attending. The information may non be presented in accessible format and the staffs may inquire inquiries which can non understand ( NURSING STANDARD 2010 ) . Inaccessibility of an experience translator in the healthcare scenes can be barrier. It can impact the sensitiveness of patient s values and attitudes. To utilize a professional translator can reassure patients to pass on and experience freer when depicting their spiritual beliefs and unsatisfactory environment conditions but to healthcare professionals may experience disempowerment and may depend on translators in order to transport out their functions ( ROYAL COLLEGE OF PSYCHTRIC 2003 ) . Sometimes physical entree may be an issue for people with learning disablement ; they find their assignment times are frequently excessively short to understand the system because of their troubles and conveyance demands to entree health care installations are more distant. Practitioners may be given occupation in disadvantaged countries with all installation available but they may be in the hazards of hooliganism, larceny and anti societal behaviour ( Thomson J et Al 2003 p59 ) . The purposes of the authorities today in UK is convince persons to be more involved in their wellness. But the jobs with handiness of wellness publicity services and engagements are some of concern due to the restructuring of wellness and societal attention for people with larning disablements has been accelerated by NHS and community attention Act ( DOH 1990, Emerson Et Al 1996 fellow 11 ) . For illustration, most of the wellness publicity treatment and activities to accessing suited primary health care is focus on medical engagements such as immunisation ( Stanley et al 1998 p71 ) . Some of this medical attack can take to reenforce dependence for people with learning disablements. Those with terrible larning disablements, their demands are going known to service suppliers through secondary and third attention after being referred by primary attention. Among wellness publicity is bar which is concentrating on lessening of hazard happening of diseases, disablements and disability. Th ese activities occur in wellness attention scenes. Primary bar is to forestall from hazard factors such as fleshiness through instruction, exercising and diet. Primary bar produces information on assorted wellness issues in pictural and easy apprehensible format such as malignant neoplastic disease. On secondary bar, it involves identifies early marks of diseases happening such as malignant neoplastic disease showing and third bar is involves cut downing the impact of the disease and advancing quality of life through active rehabilitation ( Thomson et al 2003 ) . Anil s province of confusion may be caused a figure of factors which might necessitate farther probe. It is the responsibility of his General Practitioner ( primary bar ) to mention him to infirmary ( secondary bar ) for probe. A adviser may make up ones mind whether Anil has physical or mental unwellness. To cover with and taking barriers such as trouble with interpersonal communicating, wellness publicity will necessitate to advance inclusion and cut down inequalities in service proviso ( Thomson et al 2003 p129 ) . World Health Organization ( 2010 ) has made it clear that wellness publicity is the procedure of enabling single to better and increase control of their wellness. Many primary healthcare professional bash non hold accomplishments to get the better of this job as consequences those people who have larning disablements are less likely to have lifestyle advice than those who do non hold larning disablements ( Fitzsimmons A ; Barr 1997 ) . Learning disablement nurses have a assortment of accomplishments in communicating and observations which could be utile to learn other health care professionals in wellness and societal attention scenes ( Thomson et al 2003 p131 ) Health instruction as a portion of wellness publicity is defined as a planned communicating activities designed to pull good being and sick wellness in persons and group through act uponing the cognition, belief, attitudes and behaviour of those in power of the community at big ( Tannahill 1985p167-8 ) . For people with larning disablements, wellness instruction might advance societal inclusion through diminishing negative stereotyping by valuing and esteeming their demands. On a more single degree, people who receive wellness instruction messages have a pick to make up ones mind whether to follow or non the message given ( Thomson J et Al 2003 ) . Constructing partnerships between nurses, callings, other professional and people with larning disablements is indispensable in order to advance and educating wellness by placing their physical and mental wellness status ( DOH 1995 ) . A partnership is non merely the manner to convey up to day of the month statutory services but besides is about developing and admiting the corporate duty for the wellness and well-being of the community which they belong ( Thomson J et Al 2003, p102 ) . Having the chance to do pick about their health care is critical to their sense of inclusion in society. It is besides a cardinal factor in leting single like Anil to experience in control of his life. The NMC ( National Midwifery Council ) codification of 2008sets out figure of duties on nurses to advance pick and esteem the determinations of those they care. Nurses need to assist them doing their pick by doing some simple versions. The first measure can be taking a little more clip to explicate something and giving the individual with larning disablement more clip to understand what is being said ( Nursing STANDARDS 2010, P53 ) . Other attack could be the engagement of comparative or paid calling non to do pick on behalf of the individual with learning disablement but to utilize their cognition of the individual to assist the attention professional interpret or to explicate intervention options. In all this procedures, nurses need to guarantee that they obtain consent before they begin assessment and intervention. Any determination to be taken by the staff must be in the involvements of the individual and must see to his or her human rights. To reason, the essay has set out cardinal troubles experienced by people with larning disablements in accessing health care services and the spread between rich and hapless who are accessing health care look to be widening. Peoples who have larning disablements are by and large underestimated and happen themselves failure to win their outlook. They experience more wellness jobs than any other group in a society but usage health care services less than the general population ( RODGER 1996 ) . Inequalities in wellness for people with learning disablements must be dealt with by health care suppliers in wellness attention proviso with the purpose of shuting the division between the general public experiences and this group. By utilizing good quality of wellness attention and esteeming people s rights to entree, and doing sensible accommodation, the lives of people with larning disablements can be changed. Healthcare suppliers have a responsibility to guarantee that people with learning d isablements are offered regular checking and are included in wellness showing plan.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What is the difference in the international court of justice ICJs Essay
What is the difference in the international court of justice ICJs approach with respect to the law of maritime delimitations between the North Sea Continental - Essay Example Disputes are provided for through a separate optional protocol, parties to the Convention are obliged to exhaust the settlement procedure, preferably through direct talks between the parties. If direct negotiation fails, then the parties can submit the dispute to either the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the International Court of Justice, binding international arbitration procedures or an expert arbitration tribunal. The decisions of the ICJ have spelt out the principle to be found in the Ad Hoc Committee Report, which states that there is â€Å"an area of the sea bed and the ocean floor underlying the high seas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.†1 This falls under the Common Heritage of Mankind principle, adopted without dissent in the United Nations General Assembly and applied to the sea bed beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (Brown, 1994:262). Therefore, this has spelt out an important principle of maritime delimitation, whereby in some in stances it may not be possible for a coastal state to claim maritime territory, which may more appropriately fall within the scope of international jurisdiction and therefore unavailable to any State in particular. The emergence of the EEZ concept and further seaward extension of the outer limit of the continental shelf has focused attention on maritime boundary delimitation in contemporary international law. Equity now plays a greater role in interstate relations and the pragmatic issues of managing the delimitation of natural resources and boundaries. In so far as delimitation of the territorial sea is concerned, the UN Convention of the Sea states that when two countries are adjacent to or opposite to each other, neither one is entitled to â€Å"extend its territorial sea beyond the median line every point of which is equidistant from the nearest points on the baselines from
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Paper on disenfranchised grief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Paper on disenfranchised grief - Essay Example In fact, many marriages were ruined due to alcohol addiction committed by a spouse. In addition to this, children of alcoholics were affected by their father’s addiction, too. The article What to Do with an Alcoholic Spouse? culled from quotes: As a consequence, loved ones resort to coping methods such as ignoring the person (alcoholic) and treating him as if he is already dead. This type of coping behavior is identified as social death. Leary (2001) made mention of social death as a type of interpersonal rejection that family members practice so they can distance themselves from the loved one in pain. When a family resorts to social death as a coping mechanism, family members experience loss, but society does not consider it that way and may even frown upon the reaction of family members. Families that cope using psychosocial death as a defense mechanism can be considered suffering from disenfranchised grief as Doka ( 1989) argued that â€Å"in all of these cases, spouses and others may experience a profound sense of loss, but that loss cannot be publicly acknowledged for the person is still biologically alive†. Therefore, the spouse and children of alcoholics experience disenfranchised grief on a daily basis especially when the person ( alcoholic ) resides in the same house. Doka (1989) explains that†(a) grieving person experiences deep personal loss, but the very nature of the syndrome complicates emotional responses, creating ambivalence, anger, and guilt†. In short, the disenfranchised grief becomes very complicated as a consequence of psychosocial death. Some decades ago, there were few interventions in supporting the loved ones of alcoholics who had been experiencing disenfranchised grief. Nevertheless, it is important to seek intervention strategies for this type of grief so that people can move on to their normal lives. Nowadays, there are different types of intervention that are available. One
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A situation where your INTERVIEW and ASSESMENT skills, or those of a Essay
A situation where your INTERVIEW and ASSESMENT skills, or those of a nursing colleague, were integral in identifying a patient problem - Essay Example This was a clear indication that the patient had side effects from the vaccine. This got me ruling out Schizophrenia disease. A child that has immunization and had fever among other symptoms showed that the vaccine had set off damage to pre-disposed mitochondrial disorder (Fredericks, 2008).This was an autistic-like feature. I had to diagnose the patient again to look deeper into the potential disease. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptoms mimicked autism but patient suffering from OCD developed communication skills. Autism is common disease that occurs to children that affects the neurological system of the body (Fredericks, 2008). It could be stereotyped by difficulties in expressing oneself verbally and non-verbally, lack of motivation, lack of enjoyment, repetitive behavior such as rolling of the head, lack of empathy, self-injury like self-pinching and unusual social development are among the common symptoms of Autism. Autism patient have some remarkably, complex, strong unusual abilities whereby an individual has strong memorizing skills and other rare extraordinary
Friday, November 15, 2019
Batch Reactor As A Plant Engineering Essay
Batch Reactor As A Plant Engineering Essay What is a plant unit. All Equipment that make up a plant can be divided into 3 different categories or levels, the highest being the Plant as a whole, then the plant units and the lowest are the plant items. While the actual plant performs an overall production, the Plant unit refers to the main components of a Plant which perform a major production function of the Plant and without which the Plant can not continue its operations. A Plant unit is made up of items but it can be replaced as a whole (Anthony Kellyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) In this Plant, the Batch Reactor receives raw materials from the raw material storage, processes them for a certain amount of time then transfers them to the centrifuge feed vessel. From the above diagram, it is obvious that the Batch Reactor is a major component of the plant and from its function it is seen that the reactor must process the raw material for progress to be made to the next stage of production. I am therefore concluding this as my explanation as to why the Batch reactor is a plant unit. Explain Your Reasons For Concluding That This Unit Is Critical For Production. Several Factors determine how critical a piece of equipment is to production. They include: Will the Equipment affect safety in the plant? Will the Equipment not working cause downtime in the plant? How easily can the Equipment be maintained? What is the cost of this maintenance? What is the current situation of the Equipment? (Paul Wheelhouse) Now each of the factors can be used to examine the Batch Reactor and after which an educated decision can be made. The Batch Reactor affects the safety in the plant because its function involves the heating of chemicals under pressure and its failure might cause the leakage of these chemicals or at the worst lead to an explosion in the Plant. If the Batch Reactor was to stop working, there would be prolonged downtime until it is fixed; this is due to the fact that the Reactor performs a major function in the Plant without which further production would come to a halt. The Batch Reactor is made up of a number of different items, some of which can be run-to-failure, but for the most an established schedule of maintenance must be made for. Without such a schedule, maintenance would be most difficult to carry out. The cost of maintaining the Batch Reactor may vary but if is not properly attended to; one fault might lead to another even bigger one so the cost of maintaining might increase. The items in the Batch Reactor have a life plan which is currently not being kept to; this means the Equipment requires monitoring to avoid random failure or prolonged breakdown and downtime. On the account of the above facts, it is my belief that the Batch Reactor needs to be labelled as critical. Extract Any User Requirements For This Designated Unit From The Plant Description. Are There Any Production Windows? What are User requirements? This simply refers to the specifications that are inbuilt in a piece of equipment so that it might be able to fulfil the end users needs according to those tasks which it is used to perform. In line with the plant description given on this particular Batch Reactor, a number of user requirements can be ascertained and these are listed below: To receive 18te of raw materials from the raw material storage. To remain sealed and heat its contents through a preset temperature / time profile by use of a temperature control system consisting of a thermocouple in a temperature pocket, a temperature controller and a control valve. That the control valve regulates the supply of low pressure steam. That its temperature alarm signal when the temperature exceeds 1250C. That all safety relief valves work in event of an increase of temperature past the safety limit of 1250C. That the bottom run off valve opens when the operation is complete and releases the contents from the Batch reactor to the centrifuge feed vessel by the discharge pump. That the operation lasts 10 hours only. What is a production window? This is a period during production in which maintenance procedures can be carried out without causing a halt in production. With emphasis on the Batch reactor it can be seen that there is a production window and this can be explained below. While the batch reactor makes 18te of product every 10 hours, the centrifuge processes this product at a rate of 1.5te an hour i.e. it would have completely used up the 18te of product in 12 hours. Since it takes 10 hours for the batch reactor to work, this would give a 2 hour production window in which it can be properly maintained. Also depending on the capacity of the centrifuge storage vessel, it is possible for the batch reactor to work overtime filling this feed vessel up and then be switched off and maintained while the centrifuge is operated using the previously stored produce in the centrifuge feed vessel. Extract Any Corporate Requirements for This Unit From The Plant Description. What are corporate requirements? These are the requirements which the upper management or Business sector of the company running plant desire from its industrial operations in order to make a suitable return on its investments (ROI). From the plant description the following corporate requirements can be made below: That its keeps to its scheduled annual shutdown period of 16 hours during week 40 each year. That all maintenance pertaining to the batch reactor abides by the permit to work system which controls all maintenance activities. That the batch reactor achieves a 25 year life and that the gearboxes achieve a 15 year life as well. That the batch reactor remains well-painted, clean and tidy at all times. Extract Any Legislative Requirements for This Unit From The Plant Description. What are legislative requirements? These are Plant requirements made by the Law, rules or regulations or the Country in which the Plant operates. They must be implemented in order for the plant to avoid sanctions or being shut down. In this particular plant description they include: That the Batch Reactor abides by the rules by the FDA and British pharmaceutical Society put in place for their license holders. All production and maintenance activities involving the Batch reactor comply with the Good Manufacturing practise (GMP). That the processes involving the Batch Reactor are as okayed by the quality standard ISO 9002. That the batch reactor conforms to the environmental standard ISO14000. That if used by the Pharmaceutical inspection team, the batch reactor must pass any risk-based inspections based on a DNV methodology that might be carried out. Comment On If Some of The tasks Designed For Shutdown Could be Done During Production Windows Or When The Plant Is Online. Could Any Of These Tasks Be Designated For Completion During Production Windows Be Completed Online? We have previous explained what production windows are and when a Plant is online refers to when the plant is carrying its usual operational procedures. From the work done previously in section 1.3, we now know that there is a definite 2 hour production window during which the batch reactor can be maintained while the centrifuge is working. In looking at the life plan for the batch reactor unit, there are a certain amount of tasks that could be done in 2 hours and should be moved from shut down to production window, these are: The replacement of the trim of the CV1 every 2 years. The pressure testing and inspection of the SV1 every 6 years. The visual check of the Agitator every 6 years. The SV2 pressure testing and inspection every 6 years. There is only one task put to be completed when there is a production window and it can be done while the Plant is online. This is the weekly visual check on the Agitator coupling, because if it is checked while online it might lead to the location of which wouldnt have being seen if the equipment was offline. Analyse The Recorded Jobs From The Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) For This Unit. Is There Any Evidence Which Confirms That The Life Plan Is Being Carried out? Is There Any Evidence To Say If The Life Plan Is Effective Or Not? What is a Life plan? All plant units or manufacturing stages in production are designed to have a certain life. To fulfil this, maintenance plans are put in place to achieve this expected equipment life and if possible, to exceed it. These maintenance plans are called Life plans. (Wheelhouse, 2008) On comparing the life plan of the batch reactor to the computer maintenance management system (CMMS) it can be seen that the life plan isnt being carried out. This is due to the factor that there is a remarkable difference between the standard time taken to maintain every single unit item in the reactor and the actual time the job was done in hours, meaning the maintenance done cannot be adequately planned for and could lead to excessive downtime. It can be seen that for this singular reason the life plan of the batch reactor is not capable of being effective. Use The Figures, Plant Description And The Data From The CMMS To Analyse The Unit Into Its Maintenance Causing Items. Using the figure 1 shown previously and the figure 2 shown directly above as well as the Life plan and the CMMS, the maintenance causing items can be broken down as done bel Batch Chemical Reactor CV1 Agitator Coupling Temperature controller Gearbox Motor bearing Oil seal Agitator Trim Agitator gear box Reactor Vessel Temperature sensor Pump Motor Pump bearing SV1 SV2 P1 V1 Vessel Jacket Figure 3: The Maintenance Causing Items in a Batch Chemical Reactor Develop your own life plan for these maintenance causing items using the task selection logic for Reliability Centred Maintenance. RCM WORK SHEET SYSTEM: CHEMICAL PLANT SUB-SYSTEM: BATCH CHEMICAL REACTOR SUB- SYSTEM FUNCTION FUNTIONAL FAILURE FAILURE MODE FAILURE EFFECT CRITICALITY RESPONSE TIME FREQUENCY CV1 Regulates supply of low Pressure steam Unable to supply Steam at all. Supplies Inadequate steam Faulty Trim Absence or insufficient Supply of steam High Replace trim 3 hrs 2 yearly (Production window) Agitator Motor Gearbox Transmit motion to the Agitator Fails to transmit motion To the Agitator. Broken seal Shortage of lubrication Damaged bearings Worn gear teeth Oil leakage Damage to gearbox Medium Monitor vibrations and check oil seal and condition. 2 hrs (vibration monitoring), 12 mins oil inspection Monthly Vibrations, Daily oil seal checks (Online) Agitator Coupling Connects Agitator motor gearbox to Agitator for motion transmission Doesnt transmit motion From gearbox to agitator. Transmits inadequate Motion. Slackness in fitting Doesnt give agitator The necessary Transmitted motion. Medium Tighten coupling as required. 6 mins Daily (online) Temperature Controller Controls the temperature making sure it doesnt exceed 1250 C Unable to read the correct temperature. Faulty temperature sensor . Increase or reduction of reactor temperature on wrong information. High Recalibrate temperature sensor. 2 hrs 2 year (Production window) SV1 Releases the pressure steam in the vessel during times of alert. Unable to release excess pressure steam Blockage at valve outlet. Crack in valve Pressure steam is not released properly or in time. High Inspect, pressure test and recondition if necessary. 3 hrs 6 yearly (Shutdown) SV2 Releases excess steam in the jacket in times of alert Unable to release excess steam Blockage at valve outlet. Crack in valve Pressure steam is not released properly or in time. High Inspect, pressure test and recondition if necessary 3 hrs Yearly (Production window) Agitator Shakes, stirs mixes the raw materials in the reactor. Unable to stir or mix Raw materials. Damaged blades Eroded surface Raw materials are not mixed properly. Medium Recoat or replace as necessary. 3 hrs Re-coat or replace as necessary.(Shutdown) Jacket Maintain its integrity and contain raw materials during processing. Leakage of materials during processing. Damaged or eroded Parts. Contents leak out causing contamination. High Pressure test and repair as necessary. 5 hrs Yearly (Shutdown) V1 Releases processed material to P1 pump Processed materials not released Leakage of material during release Blockage at valve outlet Crack in valve Contents not released properly. Contents leak out causing contamination. High Leak test and repair if necessary. 15 mins Daily test (Online) P1 Transfer processed materials from reactor to centrifuge feed vessel Leaks material Unable to pump materials at all. Pumps materials at Wrong rate. Replace seal if necessary. Replace pump if necessary. Contents leak. Contents not pumped properly High Condition monitoring Replace seal if necessary Replace pump if necessary. 1.5 hrs (Condition Monitoring) 4 mins (Leak test) Monthly condition Monitoring (Online), Daily leak checks (online) Figure 1.4: Life Plan using RCM logic. Compare and contrast between your Life plan with the one described previously, comment on any similarities and differences. There are a number of ways in which my Life plan differs from the one previously given but there are also ways in which both are similar. Some of them are as listed below: To begin, the first detail that can be noticed when comparing both life plans is that since I used the RCM selection logic, my life plan carries much more details as I included the functions, functional failures, failure modes, failure effect and criticality of each subsystem or item. This will be particularly useful in settling up priorities as the criticality of each subsystem is set at low, medium or high depending on the considerations of safety, performance and impact of the subsystem or item on the rest of the plant. I brainstormed and added more failure modes and their activities than had being previously discovered or had activities planned for in the previous life plan so as to further prepare maintenance personnel to be able to tackle these failures if and when they do occur. I changed the time frame for certain activities to take into consideration the new 2 hour production window that was discovered earlier. This will help reduce the amount tasks that are done during a shutdown and therefore cut down the downtime which the plant undergoes. I increased the amount of time to be used to accomplish most tasks due to the fact that in the previous life plan, insufficient time was allocated to these tasks so therefore they couldnt be planned or executed properly within the targets set for them. Now in terms of similarities, I observed that the preventive maintenance and condition monitoring carried out on the Batch Reactor had ensured breakdowns were kept to a minimum so bearing this in mind, I retained all the activities from the old life plan and continued using them for the various items. I also continued to carry out maintenance activities at the same frequency that was mapped out in the old life plan as I believe that the punctuality with which activities were carried out improved the reliability of the equipment. CHAPTER 2 Describe The Philosophy of Total Productive Maintenance. What is TPM? Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) refers to a management system for optimizing the productivity of manufacturing equipment through systematic equipment maintenance involving employees at all levels. Under TPM, everyone is involved in keeping the equipment in good working order to minimize production losses from equipment repairs, assists, set-ups, and the like. ( The goal of TPM is to increase production while at the same time boosting employee morale and job satisfaction. (Venkatesh. J) This is possible because there would be less downtime as TPM is carried out by the Operators on the items or machinery which they use as they, the maintainers and Designers work as a team towards the total elimination of equipment defects in the Plant (Paul Wheelhouse). History of TPM TPM is a Japanese idea that can be traced back to 1951 when preventive maintenance was introduced into Japan from the USA. Nippondenso, part of Toyota, was the first company in Japan to introduce plant wide preventive maintenance in 1960. In preventive maintenance operators produced goods using machines and the maintenance group was dedicated to the work of maintaining those machines. However with the high level of automation of Nippondenso, maintenance became a problem as so many more maintenance personnel were now required. So the management decided that the routine maintenance of equipment would now be carried out by the operators themselves. This is known as Autonomous maintenance, one of the features of TPM. The maintenance group then focussed only on maintenance works for upgrades. For pioneering TPM, Nippondenso became the 1st company to receive TPM certification (wikipedia). Why Use TPM? For TPM to be used in an Organisation, everyone from senior management to the operators on the floor must be carried along and made to understand why this particular system is being used. For this to happen effectively, the Motives, Objectives and benefits must be fully stated out and properly absorbed. The table below gives a generic illustration: Motives of TPM Adoption of life cycle approach for improving the overall performance of production equipment. Improving productivity by highly motivated workers which is achieved by job enlargement. The use of voluntary small group activities for identifying the cause of failure, possible plant and equipment modifications. Uniqueness of TPM The major difference between TPM and other concepts is that the operators are also made to involve in the maintenance process. The concept of I (Production operators) Operate, You (Maintenance department) fix is not followed. TPM Objectives Achieve Zero Defects, Zero Breakdown and Zero accidents in all functional areas of the organization. Involve people in all levels of organization. Form different teams to reduce defects and Self Maintenance. Direct benefits of TPM Increase productivity and OPE (Overall Plant Efficiency ) by 1.5 or 2 times. Rectify customer complaints. Reduce the manufacturing cost by 30%. Satisfy the customers needs by 100 % (Delivering the right quantity at the right time, in the required quality.) Reduce accidents. Follow pollution control measures. Indirect benefits of TPM Higher confidence level among the employees. Keep the work place clean, neat and attractive. Favourable change in the attitude of the operators. Achieve goals by working as team. Horizontal deployment of a new concept in all areas of the organization. Share knowledge and experience. The workers get a feeling of owning the machine. Figure 4 .TPM table Source: An Introduction to Total Productive Maintenance (Venkatesh. J) For TPM to start properly, the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) should be calculated and a loss analysis performed to give both a baseline for continuous upgrading and ascertain the improvement priorities. This will allow the operator/core maintenance team to prioritize and then tackle the 6 classic losses of: Breakdowns Set-ups and changeovers Running at reduced speeds Minor stops and idling Quality defects, scrap, yield and rework Starting up losses The above losses add to the direct costs. Implementation of TPM attacks these and other direct (visible) costs as well as indirect (hidden) costs and follows each step in the production and supply chain from Management to the human resources to the Machine to the process, then to suppliers and finally to the customers (Willmott and McCarthy). Components of TPM Figure 4: Pillars of TPM Source: An Introduction to Total Productive Maintenance (Venkatesh. J) As shown above, TPM is made up of 8 main aspects which when combined present the full TPM package. They are: The 5 S which are primarily the foundation of TPM and involve organising the workplace. These are sorting, systematising, sweeping, standardising and self-discipline. Autonomous maintenance which refers to the operators handling most or in cases all of the maintenance concerning the machines which they operate. Kobetsu Kaizen means small improvements or changes for the better of the organisation. Planned maintenance entails scheduled maintenance which is done to ensure trouble free machines and equipments producing defect free products for total customer satisfaction. Quality maintenance is aimed at providing customer satisfaction by providing the highest quality through defect free manufacturing. Training to give employees a multi skilled edge. Office TPM to ensure administrative efficiency as well. Safety, health and environmental awareness to ensure zero accidents, zero health damages and zero fires (Venkatesh. J). Describe a Case Study Where TPM has been successfully applied The case study which I wish to use is that of RHP Bearings. This RHP Bearings branch which is in Blackburn, manufactures cast iron bearing housings for a variety of uses from agricultural machinery to fairground rides, and is one of seven RHP manufacturing sites in Europe owned by Japanese group NSK, the worlds second largest bearings manufacturer. How TPM was carried out. NSK acquired RHP in 1990, when the Blackburn site was under the imminent threat of closure because of high costs and the subsequent lack of competitiveness. Employing a staff of 93, TPM was then introduced to the site in 1993 but it didnt see much success till 1996 due to the fact that the earlier efforts to drive TPM had been largely theoretical and the workforce faded to see its relevance to the everyday running of the plant. In 1996 a maintenance company was brought in to do a scoping study of the plant, conduct a workshop and support two pilot TPM projects. The Plant Manager and the TPM facilitator then began to implement measures to ensure TPM was made directly relevant to the jobs of the staff. Operators were sent off to climb over their machines and log problems through a detailed condition appraisal, to establish a foundation for future TPM improvements. TPM was piloted on two key machines, the PGM core making machine in the foundry and the Shiftnal sphering machine in the machine shop, using a detailed seven-step TPM implementation programme: Collection and calculation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Data Assessing the six losses Criticality assessment and condition appraisal Risk assessment Refurbishment plan Asset care and best practice routines Regular review for problem solving TPM is applied to machines of all ages from new to 30 years old, ensuring that older machinery is brought up to modern specification and newer machinery is kept in as-new condition. The TPM was applied at the site by 9 different equipment teams focusing on specific machinery and involving 60% of the workforce. These teams included operators, maintainers, quality technicians and group leaders also drawing on help from personnel with specialist skills when necessary. Each Team developed a standard routine for their respective machines using: Autonomous Maintenance System (AMS) boards which show a schematic of the machine then tags with labels to show losses affecting availability, performance and quality. These labels are then used to generate TPM agendas for team meetings. TPM step notices which illustrate the machines progress in TPM seven step programme. Mainpac database which is used to gather machine performance details and calculate the OEE. Key performance indicators which the teams use to accesses their improvement and progress in areas of waste sand, Gas emissions, Kaizen, Customer returns, lost time incidents, injurious accidents, Audit and product conformance. Each team then has an activity board covering subjects such as milestone activities and previous days conformance result among others. To ensure TPM succeeded, Teams had to dedicate substantial time to carrying out laid down activities and held meetings as needed. Benefits of TPM Implementing TPM had both direct and indirect effect on the production system a combination of which generated major savings at RHP, Blackburn. Major Site-wide benefits were scored in the following areas: à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬400,000 running costs saved Unit cost reduced by 21% Scrap reduced by 8% Attracting increased capital investment currently at 15% of turnover and Customer returns reduced by 11% Increased customer satisfaction Improved safety record Environmental and quality awards Improvement in staff morale The two key machines (The Shiftnal sphering and the PGM core making machine) also had major total cost saving OEE improvements as well as other time saving and cost reduction achievements making the TPM well worth it (Willmott and McCarthy). Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) As Applied in a Section of a Plant What is RCM? RCM is a method for developing and selecting maintenance alternatives based on safety, operational and economical criteria. RCM employs a system perspective in its analyses of system functions, failures of functions and prevention of these functions (Jones, R.B). So RCM requires in-depth of the machinery, detailing all logic problems and their maintenance solutions and as such can be quite time consuming, for this reason it is usually used only on the critical equipment. The use of RCM methodology requires that 7 questions be answered: What are the functions of the Asset? What are the functional failures? What causes the functional failures? What happens when the failure occurs? How much does each failure matter? Can we predict or prevent failure and should we be doing so? How should we manage the failure if prediction or prevention is not an option?(Paul Wheelhouse) Now in order to answer the above questions, a System analysis process is used to begin RCM on any section of the plant. This System process will implement several steps, all of which define and characterize RCM and will methodically delineate the information required for the maintenance: Step 1. System selection and Information collection: Taking decisions as to what level of the plant at which to do the RCM and also choosing this system or section based on criticality i.e. based on function and impact on plant and environment. Step 2. System Boundary Definition: This involves creating an accurate list of what is or is not part of the section so an accurate list of components can identified and to establish what comes in and what leaves the System(IN and OUT interfaces). This is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the Systems analysis process. Step 3. System description and functional Block diagram: This is used to identify and document the essential details of a system that are needed to perform the remaining steps in a thorough and technical fashion. The five separate items are developed in this step: System Description Functional Block Diagram IN/OUT interfaces System Component list Equipment history Step 4. System Functions and Functional failures: involves classifying each OUT interface of the system into its functions and identifying the failures which might hinder these functions. Step 5. Failure Mode and Effect analysis (FMEA): involves analyzing each component failure to discover which have the potential to disruption their function and then detailing what exactly these effects could be. This is done using functional failure-equipment matrix. Step 6. Logic (Decision) Tree Analysis (LTA): the failure modes which pass through effects analysis will now go through this process. The purpose of this step is to further prioritize the emphasis and resources that should be devoted to each failure mode on the basis that all Authority (TVA). TVA is a power production plant wholly owed by the US government and equipment, functions and failures are not the same. The LTA identifies the failure modes in 3 aspects: Safety Downtime Economics (Finance) Step 7. Task selection: In this step, applicable maintenance tasks which are most effective to combat the detailed failure modes are listed, at the same time decisions on whether to run-to-failure or design out
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Las Vegas is the Best Vacation Spot :: persuasive, informative
Las Vegas is one of the nation's favorite vacation destinations. It's a 24-hour city where gambling is a loved past-time and dreams of striking it rich can come true. But Las Vegas has many attractions and casino action is just one of them. Las Vegas is the best vacation spot because it offers entertainment for the whole family, unique marriages, and plenty of activities for children. Because Las Vegas was usually considered a adult city, visitors in the past have often left children at home. However, this desert community now offers many daytime activities for kids. Nearly all of the larger hotels have some form of entertainment for children, and some even offer special supervised children's programs. Today's gambling meccas offer an array of activities for the whole family. Contrary to the adult-only atmosphere of the past, Las Vegas now promotes a child-friendly environment that's hard to resist. Roller coasters, water parks, virtual reality theaters, and an assortment of museums have sprung up across the city of Las Vegas. In Las Vegas, two words spoken as frequently as "hit me" and "double down" are without a doubt, "I do". Pat from "Las Vegas Weddings" says, "marriage license are issued one every 5 and half minute." Among the famous who have married in Las Vegas are Elvis and Priscilla Presley, Frank Signature and Mia Farrow, Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford, and Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, wedding vows are taken at drive-up windows, on bungee jumping platforms, boats, in helicopters, and at dozens a wedding chapels. No legal residency is required. Blood test are not needed and there is no waiting period. A 16 year old can even get married with the consent of a parent for only $35 dollars. Andrea 8.@ states," Marriages is Las Vegas total more than 100,000 per year, due in part to the ease of getting a marriage license." After a long day of exploring the diverse offering of Las Vegas, your tired and aching muscles may be screaming out for a relaxing massage, facial, or an herbal wrap. On the other hand, maybe your body is use to a regular workout and your feel guilty about lounging around the pool; or casino all day. Alas, help is on the way! Many of the large resort hotels feature complete spa facilities, including sauna, exercise programs, and gym equipment.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Judaism and the Chosen People of God Essay
Judaism is one of the first monotheistic religions currently surviving. It followers, the Jews, believe that there is only one God who is Almighty and Everlasting. Inscribed in the Torah is the name of God, with four consonants and no vowels. They have high respect for the Lord that they consider his name â€Å"too holy to be pronounced†(Buchanan and Halliwell, 2008). In their daily conversations and prayers, the Jews use different words pertaining to God. Everyday speech include â€Å"the Holy One†and â€Å"Blessed be He†while prayers include Adonal, or the Lord, and shomer Yisrael, or Israel’s guardian. These demonstrate how the Jewish perception of the Lord, as seen in the book of Genesis where the stories of the Patriarchs are written (Buchanan and Halliwell, 2008). The Jewish understanding towards their relationship with the Lord the worship is in accordance to their Covenant. God gives His promise to be their God who guides and protects them, while requiring them to follow the Mitzvot or His commandments. God chose the Jews as His chosen people. This is not because He favors them with privileges, but because He endowed them with a responsibility of being the priest people. It is actually a difficult task and the literal translation of the word Israel is â€Å"one who struggles with God†(Buchanan and Halliwell, 2008). One of their most basic beliefs is that they have the responsibility to worship God and recite prayers, which is called Tefillah. They should also express their gratitude and thanks to the Lord for his love and greatness, which is shown through the Amidah or the prayer of18 blessings in praise of God recited while standing. They also see themselves to have the task of responding to God through both repentance and search of social justice (Buchanan and Halliwell, 2008). History of Key Sacred Texts The Torah, or Law, is the commandment given by God to His chosen people. It was originally pertained to the Ten Commandments, and eventually became the Pentateuch. The Torah is the most important text in the Jewish religious life, as it contains the revelation from God. It is God’s gift to His people given to Moses at Mount Sinai. However, the original texts given by God to Moses did not survive the raid of Jerusalem during 6 BC. Also destroyed were the other Scriptures written by different Prophets, with high relevance to the Jewish faith. But after the release of Israel from Babylon in 5 BC, the Prophet Ezra revived the accounts on the life of the Patriarchs and the history of God’s chosen people. And between 4 and 2 BC, other authors wrote down the different Scriptures of other Prophets that existed long before. Prophet Jonah, who lived during the 8th century BC, was found to have his scriptures written during this period while the Psalms were written after five centuries. The sources of these authors are however unknown (Mirza, . Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments contain the fundamental laws that God requires His people to abide. These state the different religious and moral obligations of men, revealing God’s will on man’s duties to Him and to the rest of His creation. God’s commandments are written in the Pentateuch twice, as it is found both in the Books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. God himself carved the words on two stone tablets as sacred texts handed to Moses (Bellaflore, 2007). The Ten Commandments are God’s covenant with the Israelites. The first three laws concern man’s relationship with God, as it states what man’s responsibilities are to his Lord. While the remaining seven laws are about how man should live with others, as they should not transgress each other’s rights as human beings and equal children of God. The first commandments directly state that there is only one God, the monotheistic notion of an Almighty Creator. The people should not worship other Gods, and therefore should not commit idolatry and other forms of polytheistic practices. The other two commandments teach the people to not commit blasphemy, or take the name of the Lord in vain, and to always observe the Sabbath day. The rest relates the basic commandment that one must not wrong his neighbor, that he must not commit murder, adultery, thievery, and bear false witness. Children are also expected by God to always honor their parents (Bellaflore, 2007). Jerusalem This city is the most important city to the Jews. Upon their migration to the Palestine, many other tribes and populations have already occupied area and cities have already risen. King David seized one of the cities in 1005 BCE and converted it into his capital city Jerusalem. This is where both religious and political affairs were concentrated, where the Temple of God was built. But the Temple and most of its contents perished during the conquest of the city by other empires. The Romans destroyed the last Temple and only a single wall survived until today. It is now known as the Wailing Wall and is one of the holiest Jewish places both in Jerusalem and the entire world (Imhoof, 2008). The Nation of Israel The State of Israel is a country found in southwestern Asia established on May 14, 1948 with David Ben Gurion as its first prime minister. The land was formerly part of Palestine conquered British, and was handed to the Jews and marked the success of the Zionism movement. This movement campaigned for providing the Jews their own place at the land of their ancestors. As sanctioned by the United Nations, this sovereign nation was created and gave home to many Jews from all over the world. But because displaced Palestinians formerly occupy Israel, there rose an Arab-Israeli conflict. The Muslims protested against the handing of the land to the Jews while the Arabs were left landless (Davison 375; Grobman, no page; Israel, no page). Different Sects of Judaism There were numerous Jewish sects during the first century AD, each primarily in search of the messiah. To them, the messiah is both a religious and political leader who would save them from Roman captivity. These sects include the Pharisees, the Zealots, the Sadducees, the Essenes, and even the Christians. In 70 CE, the Second Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed along with these sects. However, Christianity survived this disaster and separated itself from Judaism as a different religion. The Pharisees, on the other hand, is now the remaining form of Judaism called Rabbinic Judaism (Jewish sects and denominations, no date). A fraction of the Jewish population of the 8th century rejected the oral law included in the Mishnah as followed by the Pharisees, as done by the Sadducees. But eventually, they themselves developed their unique oral traditions that greatly varied from those of the Rabbinic Jews. They are called the Karaite sect, and are still in existence but in a less population number (Jewish sects and denominations, no date). The Holocaust The Holocaust is also known as the Shoah in Hebrew, or the destruction of the Jewish people by Nazi Germany. During the German conquest of Europe, an approximately six million Jews died as they were systematically killed by the fascist and anti-Semite regime of Hitler. The casualties represent the destruction of two-thirds of the entire population of Jews in Europe and one-third of the world. They were deliberately and methodically exterminated through the gas chamber, the crematory ovens, forced labor, hunger, and poor sanitary conditions. This is Hitler’s plan as his answer and â€Å"Final Solution to the Jewish Question†(History of the Holocaust – An Introduction, 2008). Sacred Practices and/or Holidays Two of the most important Jewish holidays are the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah is known as the Jewish New Year while Yom Kippur is known as the Day of Atonement. Both of these holidays are expression of the Jewish belief on the judgment of God and that they need to both repent and forgive. Yom Kippur is an entire day where Jews contemplate and reflect, making amends to their sins, and ask God for His forgiveness by fasting (Buchanan and Halliwell, 2008). Customs and practices of the Jews include circumcising the boys during their eighth day. When the boy reaches age 13, he takes participation in a ceremonial rite where he becomes bar mitzvah. From here on, he is considered an adult who will take on his religious responsibilities. Other religious congregations perform a similar ceremony for girls of age 12, called the bat mitzvah. Jews also recite different kinds of prayers in the morning, afternoon and evening. They perform these either at home or the synagogue. Once every week, the Jews celebrate the holy day of Sabbath, from Friday sundown until Saturday sundown. They also observe strict dietary laws called the Kosher and their spiritual leader is called the rabbi (Grobman, no page; Wenner, no page). Judaism Today Due to the constant changes in human life, there is a tremendous technological advancement in the modern world, prompting people to adapt. These changes bring about questions on the Jewish laws, and whether they should be retained. It is therefore the responsibility of the spiritual leaders to adapt and reinterpret the Jewish laws according to the call of times. In our modern world, there are three main divisions among the Jews – the Orthodox, the Conservative, and the Reform Jews. Orthodox Jews are still abiding by the strictest Jewish laws, and are confined within tradition. The conservative Jews consider the orthodox Jews as too Jewish while they do not consider reform Jews as practicing Judaism. Reform Jews, on the other hand, are very liberal and recognizes their religion as progressive. (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, 2008). References Buchanan, J. , and Halliwell, K. (2008). Judaism. Slamnet. Retrieved March 5, 2008 from http://www.slamnet. org. uk/re/judaism. htm. Bellaflore, M. L. (2007). â€Å"The Ten Commandments. â€Å" New Advent. Retrieved March 5, 2008 from http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/04153a. htm. Davison, Michael Worth. When, Where, Why, and How it Happened. London: Reader’s Digest Association Far East Limited, 1993. Grobman, Gary M. â€Å"Who are the Jews. †1990. Remember. Retrieved 25 February 2008 from http://www. remember. org/guide/Facts. root. whoare. html â€Å"History of the Holocaust – An Introduction. †2008. Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved March 5, 2008 from http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/Holocaust/history. html. Imhoof, D. â€Å"Judaism. †February 23, 2008. Susquehanna University. Retrieved March 5, 2008 http://www. susqu. edu/history/medtrav/jerusalem/jewish. htm. â€Å"Israel. †2007. Information Please [Database]. Retrieved 25 February 2008 from http://www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0107652. html. â€Å"Judaism. †One Little Angel. Retrieved March 5, 2008 from http://www. onelittleangel. com/wisdom/quotes/judaism. asp? level=4#. Mirza, M. â€Å"History of the Torah. â€Å"Ummah. Retrieved March 5, 2008 from http://www. ummah. net/what-is-islam/scriptur/scriptt. htm
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